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engagedprojects is a change and project consultancy where our guiding principle is ensuring that we are

Simplifying complexity ™

We bring objectivity, experience and proven strategy generation techniques to bear on your problems and work with you to help you solve them

​The second principle engagedprojects adopts is that when it comes to technology solutions

IT's about the business ™

The business comes first, the technology just supports it. IT doesn't rule the enterprise…

Focusing on your outcomes from the start, we adopt the carpenter's rule - measure twice and cut once... We may take a little longer finding the optimal solution but you will be more certain that it will fit your needs.

Ensuring clarity of roles and expectations, we help you to govern your changes by providing the information that allows you to monitor, evaluate and (re)direct the changes that are being undertaken - always keeping the outcomes in sight and mind.


C​opyright © engaged projects 2006,2009 onwards (ABN 48 203 481 997) and 2014 except where specific rights exist elsewhere. All Rights Reserved.

"IT's about the business" (tm), CEDAR (tm), CCP (tm) and Change-Centric Projects (tm), S2S (tm), Strategic Alchemy (tm) and engagedprojects (tm) are all copyright and trademark to Engaged Projects.

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